January Blues.. Although for me it’s more of a muddy brown..

Alrighty then.

So this blog of mine, which was a random idea one day created on the back of an endless revel in boredom, is something I hope to one day be proud of.

Currently however, I’ve been lackluster in my attempts of “making a go of it”.

Blame the ever looming prospects of after christmas exams, (which begin tomorrow by the way), or the “can’t-be-arsed” nature with which I was born, or even a christmas so encompassing that I find myself, in this dreary month, exhausted from living, if that’s possible, which I’m sure it is.

So something about January.. it’s cold. Well it’s always cold in Ireland, that’s a given. But it’s freezing in January. Always.

I’ve been told by countless elderly members of my local community that we have been so “lucky” with the winter. Usually I just nod my head and get on with it. But now, thinking about it.. What’s lucky about this winter? That it hasn’t snowed? That the heating isn’t broken because of burst pipes? Or that the road’s aren’t so slippy that even the task of walking up a slow incline is so monumental it nearly-garners  Mt. Everest topping heroics. (Trust me, I’ve seen it happen.)

Well I call bullshit on it. All of it. Lucky my left foot.

There is not one single thing that I like about January. Not one. New Year, new nothing. I don’t make many resolutions, and if I ever have, I certainly cannot remember a time when, the following new year I’ve looked back and realised I’ve managed to stick to it.

When I was in school we were always asked to make resolutions. You know the type of stuff.. I promise to be nicer to my parents, I won’t spend any money I find under the couch on sweets, and so on. Childish but true, at least in my case.

Well, on one occasion when I felt exceptionally bold, (and I was a terribly giddy and loud child) I decided to give my teacher my honest answer.

I said my only resolution was to give up on resolutions. I remember when I was asked why, I responded with, “I’m alright with the way I am thanks.”

At the time my words meant little to me. But now.. I think I realise, I was much wiser when I was nine.

Sorry for the rant, but I can’t be arsed writing anything with infinite wisdom today..

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